Prayers & resources for Louisiana flood victimsPrayers & resources for Louisiana flood victims
August 22, 2016

Although the mainstream media and leadership in Washington, D.C. were slow to report on and respond to the devastating Louisiana flood that occurred earlier this month, by now you’ve certainly read reports of the historic flooding and the thousands of people, homes, pets and livestock that have been impacted.
According to reports I’ve read, at least 13 people have died, more than 40,000 homes have been damaged by the floods, and the Coast Guard, along with the help of local volunteers calling themselves the “Cajun Navy,” has rescued more than 20,000 people and 1,000 pets from their homes.
READ: Cajun Navy answers call for volunteers
To get an idea of the devastation, watch this video below of ranchers moving cattle though flooded waters.
Also, check out CNN’s coverage of cattle being rescued from Louisiana flooding by clicking here.
Plus, read this article from East Texas Matters about 50 head of cattle that were rescued from the flood waters.
Krissa Welshans for Feedstuffs has also compiled a helpful list of relief services the government offers, including community recovery resources, food assistance and coverage for crop and livestock loss.
READ: USDA offering assistance to Louisiana flood victims
My prayers are with these folks during this time of need. We’ll continue to report updates as we receive them. If you have any information or photos you would like to share of the devastation, please share in the comments section below or email me at [email protected]
The opinions of Amanda Radke are not necessarily those of or Penton Agriculture.
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