Producer Support Of The Beef Checkoff Remains High
Eight out of 10 producers say the beef checkoff has helped to contribute to a positive trend in beef demand.
February 7, 2013
Support for the beef checkoff remains high, according to a recent survey of beef and dairy producers nationwide. Support, at 76 percent, in unchanged since January 2012 and is at an historic high.
The nationwide survey of 1,200 beef and dairy producers conducted by the independent firm Aspen Media & Market Research in late December 2012 and early January 2013 found an overwhelming majority of beef and dairy producers continue to say their beef checkoff has value for them in many ways:
Eight out of 10 producers say the beef checkoff has helped to contribute to a positive trend in beef demand.
Seven out of 10 producers say the beef checkoff contributes to the profitability of their operations, is there for them in a crisis and represents their interests.
Seven out of 10 beef producers believe the checkoff is well-managed.
“Support for the checkoff remains high,” says Joint Producer Communications Working Group (JPCWG) Chair and a producer from Keldron, SD, Danni Beer. “Interestingly the survey shows that about one-third of producers don’t consider themselves informed about the checkoff. With the fairly significant reduction in the producer communications budget for FY2013, the working group will be exploring fresh, innovative and efficient ways to communicate with producers about their checkoff and the work the program does for them so we can improve those numbers."
A copy of the research report is available at Survey Topline.
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