Seminar Assists Producers With Drought ManagementSeminar Assists Producers With Drought Management

Five Oklahoma and Texas organizations will collaborate on an event to help farmers and ranchers effectively manage their resources through the ongoing drought.

August 17, 2011

2 Min Read
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Five Oklahoma and Texas organizations will collaborate on an event to help farmers and ranchers effectively manage their resources through the ongoing drought.

The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Fannin County Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Fannin County Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD), Fannin County and Grayson County AgriLife Extension Service and Bois d’ Arc Cowboy Church will host the Agricultural Management During Drought Seminar from noon to 4 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 1, at the Bois d’ Arc Cowboy Church, located at 3375 South Highway 121, Bonham, Texas.

“This drought is shaping up to be a once-in-a-lifetime event,” said Hugh Aljoe, consultation program manager. “We want our producers to have quality information on as many topics as possible so they can make informed decisions and successfully make it through this drought.”

The seminar will begin with a free lunch (provided by Fannin County SWCD), followed by presentations by the Fannin County NRCS district conservationist and Noble Foundation agricultural consultants.

  • Dan Childs, Noble Foundation economic consultant, will review the tax consequences of livestock sales during drought.

  • Chuck Coffey, Noble Foundation pasture and range consultant, will discuss fall management options for stressed pastures, specifically looking at the current drought cycle, reserve herd days, over-seeding and pasture recovery.

  • Randy Moore, NRCS district conservationist, will review the potential of renovating ponds during this drought period.

  • Steven Smith, Noble Foundation wildlife and fisheries consultant, will discuss how drought will affect wildlife food supply, especially the impact on white-tailed deer.

  • Job Springer, Noble Foundation economic consultant, will preview the upcoming market outlook, including a look at producers’ inevitable decision to either winter cows or sell their herd, as well as the potential for repurchasing cattle in the spring.

  • Clay Wright, Noble Foundation livestock consultant, will describe drought management steps for cow-calf producers, including tips for culling, feeding alternatives and maintaining body condition scores and water considerations.

The Agricultural Management During Drought Seminar, is offered at no cost, but advanced registration is requested. To register, please call Fannin County Natural Resources Conservation Service at 903.583.9513 ext. 3.

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