This Week in Agribusiness, March 9, 2024This Week in Agribusiness, March 9, 2024
Mike Pearson has more interviews from the recent Commodity Classic about technology, grains and innovations.
March 9, 2024
Part 1
Mike Pearson kicks off the show with a look back at Commodity Classic. He spoke with the new CEO of the United Soybean Board, Lucas Lentsch. In the markets segment, Garrett Toay, AgTraderTalk joins Mike to talk about how grains are going.
Part 2
Garrett Toay, AgTraderTalk, rejoins Mike to discuss the livestock markets. Next, a quick look at Friday’s WASDE USDA report. Following that, Greg Soulje is on for this week’s weather forecast.
Part 3
Mike talks crop protection with David Reif, Northern Agronomist, Vive Crop Protection about the latest areas of concern for growers. Next, Mike talks with Dave Postill, AGI, about technology advances in grain storage.
Part 4
Mike Newland, Perc, joins Mike at the desk to talk about how open fire via propane can be used to control weeds.
Part 5
Agricultural Meteorologist Greg Soulje returns to take a look at the long-range weather picture. In the Farm Progress roundup segment, Mike chats with Brent Murphree, editor of Delta Farm Press who was just inducted into the Arizona Farm and Ranch Hall of Fame.
Part 6
In Max’s Tractor Shed, Max shows off a 1967 Ford 3000 that was built in England. In the FFA Chapter Tribute segment, Mike talks with Maggie Livingston, Colorado State FFA Reporter. She was one of the first members of the chapter and helped the chapter grow. Her plan is to become an ag instructor and inspire the next generation. In the Colby Ag Tech segment, Chad Colby reports on the latest in drone sensor technology.
Part 7
Max is back with an interview with Morgen Dietrich, Tractor Lead, Case IH about what’s going on inside the Magnum 355.
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