What’s The Best Thing About Fair Time? PLUS: 6 State Fair Reads You’ll LoveWhat’s The Best Thing About Fair Time? PLUS: 6 State Fair Reads You’ll Love
July 29, 2014

Over the weekend, Tyler and I took our daughter Scarlett to her first cattle show. Later this week, she will attend her first county fair to watch her aunt Kaley show a heifer and steer.
Fair time is definitely one I look forward to each summer, and it will be fun to make memories as a family of three doing what we love to do. From the livestock shows, to the networking, to the food and entertainment, what’s not to love?
This week’s poll on the beefmagazine.com homepage asks, “What’s the best thing about fair time?
With 35 votes so far, 83% say the livestock shows are the best part about the fair; while 11% love the food; 6% enjoy the entertainment; and 6% said “other.”
Readers are weighing in as well with their own reflections about fair time:
• “I had to say other because while the fair can be just one venue for some, the whole experience is what I now enjoy. When our kids used to show it was always about the livestock and friends in the barn for me. Now that we don't have any at the fair (kids or cattle), we take it all in.”
•“The time I have spent with my son working with his livestock is something that can't be taken away. I have watched his maturity level rise as well as his confidence.”
• “The time with family is priceless.”
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To commemorate this fun time of year, I’ve rounded up six blog posts that celebrate fair season.
1. Musings From The State Fair
2. You Call The State Fair A Vacation?
3. Readers Share Their Favorite State Fair Memories
4. What’s Your Favorite State Fair Memory?
5. Ahh, Fair Time Is Just Around The Corner
What do you love about fair time? Share your favorite memories in the comments section below.
The opinions of Amanda Radke are not necessarily those of beefmagazine.com or the Penton Farm Progress Group.
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