Wrong Approach To Animal RightsWrong Approach To Animal Rights

Misguided legislation could be another blow to job creation.Rep. James P. Moran (D-VA) united with a retired game-show host and a foreign-based animal rights group to introduce legislation that, if passed, would end circuses.

November 13, 2011

1 Min Read
Wrong Approach To Animal Rights

Earlier this month, Rep. James P. Moran (D-VA) united with a retired game-show host and a foreign-based animal rights group to introduce legislation that, if passed, would mean not just the end of our cotton-candy memories of the three-ring circus but also the elimination of hundreds of jobs in Moran’s district and thousands more jobs around the country in numerous cities and states. This unnecessary and misguided legislation is being pushed in the name of an extreme animal rights agenda at the expense of jobs all over this country.

The introduction of this bill and the corresponding theatrical press conference is just the latest example of animal rights extremists pushing their radical agenda under the guise of helping animals. Increasingly, groups such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), the Humane Society of the U.S. (HSUS), Animal Defenders International (ADI), and their extremist friends have used falsehoods and scare tactics to increase their fundraising and push their agenda of systematically abolishing all use of animals, including in production agriculture, exhibitions and sporting events. Some of these groups may try to separate themselves from the rest of the pack of extreme radicals, but they are all the same, with the same goal: complete abolishment of animal ownership. That’s right - they do not even want you to own pets. The world these groups envision (I think) is not one in which most Americans would want to live.

To read the entire article, link here.

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