Brush Control Options in Fence LinesBrush Control Options in Fence Lines
There are many chemical options available for brush and tree control.
July 6, 2010
If you have fencing on your property, you will need to keep branches, trees and weeds from growing up on fence lines. Why worry about cleaning out brush and weeds from fence lines? Along an electric fence, weeds and brush can short out the fence and allow the livestock to walk through. Removing brush and weeds also helps prolong the life of the fencing and reduces breakage. As trees grow through the fence, the wire can be stretched or may break when limbs fall.
In addition to gaps in the fence that allow livestock to roam, loose wire can pose a physical hazard for livestock and equipment. Clean fence lines can help prevent vehicle or equipment accidents by removing blind spots. Removing brush also reduces the fuel load along the fence line, thus limiting the amount of heat damage to the wire and posts during a fire. Cleaned out fence lines also serve as fireguards as wildfires move through. Your volunteer fire department will appreciate being able to easily drive around a property when putting out wildfires.
The challenge is to determine the best method for removing brush in your fence line. Options include mechanical, chemical and cultural practices, or a combination of these.
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