BEEF Poll: Who Will Win In 2012?BEEF Poll: Who Will Win In 2012?

While the competing tickets for the 2012 federal elections are still unfilled (some pundits contend Barack Obama will dump Joe Biden), the campaign season appears to already be in full swing.

July 9, 2011

1 Min Read
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While the competing tickets for the 2012 federal elections are still unfilled (some pundits contend Barack Obama will dump Joe Biden), the campaign season appears to already be in full swing. This week’s poll question on is: “Does Barack Obama merit a second four-year term as U.S. President?”

Don’t know.

Meanwhile, last week’s poll question queried readers on whether they had examined or rethought their animal handling practices as a result of surreptitious videos depicting animal abuse? Of respondents, 47% said they had and found their practices are fine. Another 31% said they had audited their practices and made some changes. And, 21% said they had taken no action.

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