New book chronicles barbecue cooking across the worldNew book chronicles barbecue cooking across the world
If you’re into barbecue (and, according to this book, who in the world isn’t?), check out “Planet Barbecue!” by Steven Raichlen. An award-winning cookbook author, journalist and grilling authority
September 3, 2010
If you’re into barbecue (and, according to this book, who in the world isn’t?), check out “Planet Barbecue!” by Steven Raichlen. An award-winning cookbook author, journalist and grilling authority, Raichlen has produced a comprehensive study of the most ancient, popular and universal cooking methods, by visiting 60 countries on six continents to collect more than 300 authentic and explosively flavorful recipes. The result is a 640-page book that includes more than 600 color photos, essay snapshots of each country, grill-master profiles and extensive technical information on various techniques and recipes illustrated with step-by-step photos. The book is available for $22.95 from Workman Publishing (
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