The Facts About Lean Finely Textured BeefThe Facts About Lean Finely Textured Beef

American Meat Institute shares the facts about "Pink Slime."

March 26, 2012

1 Min Read
The Facts About Lean Finely Textured Beef

Recent media interest in lean finely textured beef (LFTB), which some have called "pink slime," has caused some confusion among consumers. LFTB is simply beef that has been separated from the fat in beef trimmings. Trimmings are chunks of meat that result when large carcasses are broken down into steaks, roasts and other cuts.

In the past, these trimmings were wasted because a surgeon's skill was required to separate the lean from fat and create a product that consumers would enjoy. But 20 years ago, a new technology became available that has helped us prevent the waste of wholesome, lean beef. The beef industry is proud that today, we can derive more beef from a beef animal with less waste. We hope that after viewing the following resources, you will feel as confident in the process as we do.

For more information on beef safety, read this BEEF Daily blog.

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