A call for your best calving season photos
Join BEEF and Neogen in celebrating the 2021 calving season!
April 12, 2021
Spring is here, and for many us, it’s a time to welcome new life to the ranch!
There’s nothing better than seeing your planning, genetic pairing and breeding selections come to fruition with newborn calves at their mama’s sides.
To commemorate the spring calving season, we would love to hear how it’s going in your neck of the woods.
BEEF, alongside Neogen, is celebrating this special time of year, and we are seeking reader-submitted images to compile in a photo gallery.
Please, send your best calving season photographs to me at [email protected] or [email protected] from now until April 19. We will add all images to a gallery for your viewing pleasure. When submitting your images, please include a title of the photo or a detailed caption, so we can get to know you a little bit better!
Some ideas of inspiration of calving season photos that all of us at Neogen and BEEF would love to see:
A cow in active labor
A calf getting up on wobbly legs for the first time
A nursing session
A group of calves frolicking in the pasture
A cow-calf pair you’re particularly proud of
Calving in all types of weather
Your calving barn setup
Your calf shelters
Calving supplies
Your kids helping with a bottle calf
Your veterinarian assisting with a birth
Moving cow-calf pairs to another pasture
Carrying a calf to the barn
I can’t wait to see your images and get to know more about all of you and your cattle operations! Thanks for your help in creating this dynamic photo gallery!
Check out the Seedstock 100 here.
View the gallery, which will be updated daily here.
The opinions of Amanda Radke are not necessarily those of beefmagazine.com or Farm Progress.
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