Bull lease, rent guide available from Iowa Beef CenterBull lease, rent guide available from Iowa Beef Center
Having a document signed by both parties ensures details are understood.
November 21, 2019

The only cardinal rule that applies to a bull rental or lease agreement is that no two agreements are the same. A new publication from the Iowa Beef Center at Iowa State University has the information you need whether you’re in the market to lease a bull or have a bull ready to rent.
Author Patrick Wall says the content of the Bull Rental and Lease Agreement Guide is organized into five steps, with explanation and cost examples that offer easy-to-follow information. “A written document signed by both parties is a much safer way of ensuring that details are understood by all,” he says. “Specifying upfront who is responsible for costs of feed, transportation, health and other aspects takes uncertainty out of the picture.”
Wall, an ISU Extension beef specialist, encourages people to download and look through the publication before they close a deal. “Trust is an important part of any agreement, including a bull lease,” he says. “This free publication can help provide that trust.”
Source: ISU, which is solely responsible for the information provided and is wholly owned by the source. Informa Business Media and all its subsidiaries are not responsible for any of the content contained in this information asset.
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