Improving gain for lessImproving gain for less
Improving weight gain in pasture cattle is critical for maintaining profitability. Rumensin offers improved gain for less.
April 20, 2017

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More weight, bigger profits
With today’s tight margins, improving weight gain in pasture cattle is critical for the profitability of your clients’ herds. One of the most effective ways to do that is with a proven product like Rumensin®.
“Veterinarians and their clients continue to see the benefit of using Rumensin in their herds,” said Frank White, Ph.D., PAS and Elanco technical consultant. “For just pennies per head per day, stocker producers can see a gain of 20 pounds or more per head over a 100-day grazing period.”1
Cattle receiving Rumensin consistently see improved average daily gain (ADG)1 because they are getting the most from their available diet — even across different pasture types.2
Improved gain with less intake
Studies over the years have shown that Rumensin helps deliver consistent value by reducing supplementation costs without negatively impacting performance.3
“In a two-year study conducted in Oklahoma, Rumensin was compared to three alternatives: no mineral, a balanced mineral, and Bovatec with a mineral,” said White. “That study demonstrated that cattle supplemented with Rumensin outperformed the other groups, delivering improved ADG and increased profitability while consuming less mineral.”3
As shown in the table, a pooled summary of seven trials conducted on different pasture types demonstrated that Rumensin at 150 mg/hd/d improved ADG compared to the control.2 In animals fed Bovatec at 200 mg/hd/d, no improvement in ADG was seen compared to the control.2 In Kansas, a study demonstrated that there were no significant differences in daily gain between treatments even though Rumensin mineral consumption was 43% lower than Bovatec with Aureomycin®.4
“Over the years, we’ve heard some concerns from producers about feed intake when they use Rumensin,” said White. “However, the research continues to demonstrate that if the product is implemented correctly, Rumensin consistently delivers ADG at higher rates than its competitors.”
Best Rumensin implementation practices
Proper implementation of Rumensin results in improved feed efficiency, due to the potency and mode of action. As dose is increased, there is a slight reduction in intake. However, this demonstrates that Rumensin is altering the ruminal environment to better absorb the valuable nutrients from less feed because cattle continue to gain additional weight.
“If the proper dose and/or adaptation period is observed, there should be no concern with intake,” said White. “You can help your clients ensure proper nutrition by working with them and their nutrient supplier to ensure that they are stepping up the product use according to the best formulation for their herd.”
For more information, reach out to your Elanco sales representative or technical consultant.
The label contains complete use information, including cautions and warnings. Always read, understand and follow label and use directions.
CAUTION: Consumption by unapproved species or feeding undiluted may be toxic or fatal. Do not feed to veal calves.
Rumensin is indicated for:
Growing cattle on pasture or in drylot (stockers, feeders, and dairy and beef replacement heifers): increased rate of weight gain and the prevention and control of coccidiosis due to Eimeria bovis and Eimeria zuernii
Cattle fed in confinement for slaughter: improved feed efficiency and the prevention and control of coccidiosis due to Eimeria bovis and Eimeria zuernii
Mature reproducing beef cows: improved feed efficiency when receiving supplemental feed and the prevention and control of coccidiosis due to Eimeria bovis and Eimeria zuernii
1Elanco Animal Health. Data on file.
2Hoechst Roussel Agri Vet Company. “7 Pasture Studies Pooled Summary: A720155.”
3Horn, G., C. Gibson, J. Kountz, and C. Lundsford. 2001. “Two-year summary: effect of mineral supplementation with or without ionophores on growth performance of wheat pasture stocker cattle. Proceedings from the Wheatland Stocker Conference. p. A1–A19. (The economic analysis was conducted only in year two of the trial.)”
4Blasi, D. A., M. P. Epp and B. Greenwood. 2010. “Comparison of medicinal feed additives on health and growth performance of beef calves grazing native grass pasture.” Kansas State University. P. 22-24.
Rumensin, Elanco, and the diagonal bar logo are trademarks of Eli Lilly and Company or its affiliates. Other company and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.
© 2017 Eli Lilly and Company or its affiliates.
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