New Cowboy documentary offers levity during a stressful NovemberNew Cowboy documentary offers levity during a stressful November
Needing a distraction from the tense and divisive political talk on social media? Make plans to check out, “Cowboys: A Documentary Portrait.”
November 11, 2020

November is supposed to be a month of thankfulness and gratitude, yet as we near Thanksgiving, the never-ending stream of political and COVID-19 discussions has made it hard to focus on the blessings and freedoms we have in America today.
And listen, I know it’s really hard to look away from the madness on social media and the rhetoric being spewed on the mainstream media, but what if instead, we paused for just a moment to spend some time with our families and just enjoy being together and doing something for fun.
Maybe for you that’s attending church, target shooting, working cattle, fixing fence, having a bonfire, going to the park, visiting main street shops or just sitting on the front porch in the rocking chair.
However, you find ways to find happiness and peace in your life, make it a point to do it. In our family, we have started praying the rosary each night before bed, and it has done wonders for our mental health, our faith and our fortitude to get through difficult times as a family.
I know there doesn’t seem to be a lot of wholesome TV available for families these days, but I wanted to share something that’s coming out next week that might fit the ticket.
It’s called “Cowboys” A Documentary Portrait,” and according to filmmakers, 1922 Films, “The documentary is an authentic, intimate depiction of the contemporary cowboy, COWBOYS: A DOCUMENTARY PORTRAIT straps audiences in the saddle alongside working men and women on some of today’s largest and most remote cattle ranches in the American West. Told genuinely and reverently through first-hand accounts from cowboys in the deepest, most isolated parts of America, the timeless documentary illustrates not only the rewards of a cowboy’s lifestyle but also the unvarnished hardships of a celebrated but misunderstood way of life.
“Utilizing their extensive collective backgrounds, co-directors John Langmore (published ranch photographer and former working cowboy) and Bud Force (rodeo cowboy turned award-winning director/DP) provide an aesthetically mesmerizing, sure-handed look at how Western traditions have found a way to coexist with society's modern achievements.
“The directors’ purpose in creating this documentary is not to glorify a profession receding into a mythologized past but to instead immerse audiences in the unvarnished reality of the contemporary American West. It reveals the fascinating lives of men and women enduring a harsh reality on cattle ranches spanning millions of acres and employing full crews of horseback cowboys.”
You can watch the trailer for the documentary by clicking here.
For more information, visit the documentary website here.
The documentary can be viewed on Amazon, iTunes, Google Play and VOD.
I obviously haven’t viewed this yet to know if it’s a hit or bust, but I for one know that I will continue to be looking for wholesome programming for my family to enjoy what celebrates, not tears down, our way of life in rural America.
What other shows would you recommend for ranching families to enjoy? Share your suggestions in the comments section below.
The opinions of Amanda Radke are not necessarily those of or Farm Progress.
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