Rural America Represents America's Future

Troy Marshall

November 18, 2011

1 Min Read
Rural America Represents America's Future

I'm not saying that agriculture is going to become a major economic driver for our nation's economy. Nor do I contend that urban America is destined for decline (though I think I could make a pretty convincing argument for it). But, I do believe that rural America embodies many of the values that have made this country great and will make it great again.

I understand that rural America holds no monopoly on these values; they're evident everywhere. But, I do think they are more prevalent, and certainly honored to a higher degree, in rural America.

A lot of society's ills can be traced back to a lack of morals, ethics, work ethic, or beliefs. America's drug and divorce rate, the debt crisis, and those who seek something for nothing are all symptomatic of a society that's forgotten that all good things require hard work, effort and a healthy dose of perseverance. There are no shortcuts.

Yet, we live in a world where 30-second commercials seem too long. Meanwhile, rural kids understand the rule of the harvest; that you must plant something and maintain it before you can harvest it. They understand that if the work doesn't get done, there is twice as much to do the next day. And, that if you slip too far behind, you are finished.

They also understand the value of community, church and helping a neighbor. It's where a handshake means something. Most importantly, those in rural America understand Mother Nature and the markets – and both the cruelty and beauty of working with them each day. These are skills that will serve them well.

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