5 Stories you don't want to miss in the beef industry5 Stories you don't want to miss in the beef industry

Check out these 5 stories in the beef industry this week that you may have missed.

Kristy Foster Seachrist, Digital editor

March 12, 2021

2 Min Read
5 Stories you don't want to miss in the beef industry
steve everts/iStock/Thinkstock

A beef producer's time is precious. Between, checking calves, feeding, breeding or checking on heifers, this time of the year is busy. Here are some stories to check out when you have a free moment this weekend.

1. The USDA is working with the Puerto Rico Department of Agriculture to eradicate a variety of cattle ticks that have become resistant to pesticides. Find out about a study that is trying to eradicate the ticks and ensure a safe food supply. Get the details here. 

2. And just how often are you checking for calves in your herd? Amanda Radke shares her experience and some tools in her toolbox to make it easier. Check out her story here. 

3. The USDA is conducting a national study on cattle health and management on feedlots with 50 head and over. Producers will get a questionaire and return it by the beginning of April. If they chose to participate a second one will arrive in June and last through the summer. After the questionaire is complete, the data will be analyzed and the USDA will issue a series of reports involving many subjects including helping animal health officials assess disease-preparedness and strengths. Check out more details here

4. Identifying the weeds in your pasture is important in your efforts to build profts in your cattle herd. A grazing program is as important as vaccines. Beef producers need to be aware of what is in their pasture and what forages they can build on as well as what needs to be removed. Check out the slideshow and details here. 

Related:Record beef, pork, broiler production forecast for 2021

5. And it's that time... To purchase bulls for your herd. It's a decision that impact the farm's revenue for years. When deciding what you want in a bull, take a look at what your heifers have to offer and then consider what you want in your calves. Take a look at these four areas to find a bull that fits your herd. 

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