MEAT IN Day set for March 20MEAT IN Day set for March 20
Colorado Governor Polis pushes for a Meat Out Day on March 20. Let’s counter the narrative by purchasing beef in bulk at local grocery stores that same day.
March 1, 2021
For years now, negative banter surrounding cow farts and greenhouse gas emissions has been just that — erroneous chatter meant to smear the beef industry and create guilt in consumers’ minds as it relates to meat-eating and the planet.
The “cow fart” myth has done incalculable damage to the beef industry. However, we continue to push forward with sound science, reason, commonsense and a strong desire to continue to put nutrient-dense, protein-rich beef on the table for consumers to enjoy.
Now, I don’t know if you have noticed, but the tone in 2021 has changed from negative banter to an all-out assault on animal agriculture.
Meanwhile, in Colorado, Governor Jared Polis, has declared March 20 as “MEATOUT Day,” which is a complete slap in the face of the state’s hard-working cattle producers.
Polis’ proclamation reads, "WHEREAS, removing animal products from our diets reduces the risk of various ailments, including heart disease, high-blood pressure, stroke, various cancers, and diabetes; and
"WHEREAS, a plant-based diet helps protect the environment by reducing our carbon footprint, preserving forests, grasslands and wildlife habitats, and reduces pollution of waterways; and
"WHEREAS, a growing number of people are reducing their meat consumption to help prevent animal cruelty; and
"WHEREAS, since MeatOut was launched in 1985, more than 35 million Americans have explored a plant-based diet and reduced their consumption of meat, dairy, and eggs; and major food manufacturers and national franchises are marketing more vegan options in response to this growing demand;
"WHEREAS, Colorado is the proud home to farmers and ranchers alike and we recognize the importance of agriculture in the state; THEREFORE I, Jared Polis, Governor of the State of Colorado, do hereby proclaim March 20, 2021, as MEATOUT DAY."
Notably, MEATOUT Day is just four days before the state is expected to celebrate Colorado Agriculture Day. Colorado Politics has the details about the ongoing drama as agriculturalists and their elected officials push back against Polis’ announcement. Click here to read more.
Now, there are many ways to push back against a hostile government that seeks to put you out of business, take you off the land and strip meat off the dinner table. Many on social media are proposing that we as beef-loving Americans push back and speak loudly by voting with our dollars on March 20. Use the hashtag #MeatInDay to spread the word!
Together, let’s make March 20th, MEAT IN Day.
Don’t just plan to barbecue on that day. Even if your freezer is full of homegrown beef, let’s all plan to head to our locally owned grocery stores and purchase beef in bulk that day. Feel free to donate it, grill it yourselves or invite the neighbors over for a huge barbecue!
Let’s just make a point to flood the markets with our dollars and show that beef is in high demand, it’s beloved by consumers across the country, and no politician has the right to dictate what we put on our dinner plates, especially when the declarations are based off of personal ideologies and not sound science.
I plan to feast on beef March 20. Steak and eggs for breakfast. Cheeseburgers for lunch. And maybe brisket on the smoker for supper.
I invite you to celebrate Meat In Day March 20, as well. Please, spread the word far and wide and make sure to post what you’re grilling up that day on social media, as well.
Eat beef for your health and for the planet. It’s simple. It’s practical. And it’s a dietary choice backed by science! Beef, it’s what’s for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day and especially March 20! Let’s do this!
The opinions of Amanda Radke are not necessarily those of or Farm Progress.
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