Submit Comment On Proposed On-Farm Child Labor RegulationsSubmit Comment On Proposed On-Farm Child Labor Regulations
The National Cattlemen's Beef Association (NCBA) supports the efforts of the Department of Labor (DOL) to protect children in the workplace.
November 22, 2011

The National Cattlemen's Beef Association (NCBA) supports the efforts of the Department of Labor (DOL) to protect children in the workplace. Unfortunately, NCBA is extremely concerned the proposed regulations affecting on-farm child labor will adversely impact farming and ranching operations and stifle the desire of young people to work in agriculture.
As young people explore career opportunities, hands-on experience on farming and ranching operations is invaluable to sparking interest in agriculture. If these regulations go into effect as proposed, the ability of young people to work on farms and ranches and even participate in youth activities such as 4-H and FFA could be severely hindered.
While we all support protecting children in the workplace, these proposed regulations could completely prohibit some children from working on farms and ranches altogether while placing severe restrictions on the type of work that any young person could do. NCBA will be submitting comments on the proposed regulation changes on behalf of cattle farmers and ranchers. However, DOL needs to hear from you directly. The agency needs to understand the far-reaching negative consequences this proposed rule would have on your operations.
NCBA requests you edit the suggested letter to personalize it to your operation. Urge your neighbors to weigh in as well.
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