Election update: We are in the homestretch.

Check out our editorial coverage of the 2020 U.S. elections. Here are the latest headlines from Trump and Biden’s camps.

Amanda Radke

October 16, 2020

2 Min Read

This week, in lieu of a face-to-face or virtual debate, the nation tuned in to watch as U.S. President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden each held their own town halls meetings.

Whether you’re worried about health care, the Supreme Court, climate change, the economy, school choice, the pandemic, national security or the future of food production, there’s plenty to mull over when comparing and contrasting these two candidates.

I doubt there are many undecided voters at this time, and certainly we are seeing some fatigue cross the nation as Americans become fed up with the constant onslaught of political rhetoric. However, despite our fatigue and readiness to move on with life, I hope Americans enthusiastically show up to the polls on Nov. 3 to cast their votes for whom they deem as the best choice for the future of our country.

BEEF magazine, along with our sister publications in the Farm Progress group, continue to work hard to bring you up-to-date information from the campaign trail.

If you’re a landowner, livestock producer and meat consumer in the United States, you must not only think carefully about your choice for the presidential seat, but must also carefully review legislation and local leadership that will protect your freedoms to manage our land, own livestock and choose the best diet that fits your family’s needs.

Related:Election campaign hits the backstretch

So who is going to protect your liberty, freedom, property rights and dietary choices? I won’t attempt to sway you one way or another on this blog post even though I’m extremely passionate about my pick. However, today I thought it would be prudent to provide an update on our recent election posts and political coverage as they relate to animal agriculture.

Here’s what’s new from our editorial team:

Related:Trump & Biden both talk on Sept. 17; Plus: USDA announces CFAP 2

The opinions of Amanda Radke are not necessarily those of beefmagazine.com or Farm Progress.

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